Hi, I'm Kara.

Some of my titles include:

*Born-again believer

*Daughter of the King

*Sinner saved by grace

Friends, I am a mess! Like really, a hot mess! I’m married to my hubby of 18 years, mom to 2 sweet (and stubborn) teens, pet mom of 10 babies (4 dogs, 3 birds, 1 guinea pig, and 2 cats), and a "grandma" to 2 sugar gliders, and a bearded dragon. LOL I have moved over 18 times (lost count) in my life. When I say I am a mess, believe it. Crafting and napping are my favorite hobbies.

I have been saved by grace, through faith for 30 years, but it wasn’t until 2 years ago, when I was questioning why He moved us here, did He help me walk into a room full of people I didn’t know and start diving deep into His word. Over the last couple of years, He has revealed to me that He moved us here and that was to draw not only me, but our whole little family back to Him and into a deeper relationship with Him. Just wondering… can you see how he has worked in your past and re-directed your steps?

When I felt God calling me to dive in and help other women to study His word, hide it in their hearts, and learn how to effectively use it daily to combat spiritual warfare, I struggled with one question…

Who am I to help others to do what you are still helping me do each and every day?

He reminded me of the saying, “God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.” This quote can be applied to so many stories in the bible, but none more than Paul who spent his life persecuting Christ followers. In Acts 13:9, he was given a new name and is now regarded by most as the greatest evangelist in the bible.

What a transforming grace we are given!

Thankfully, the same grace that God showed Saul/Paul He has also shown me. In Him I am a new creation, the old is gone (2 Cor. 5:17). Praise God that He has forgiven and removed my sins as far as the east is from the west (Psalms 103:12).

xoxo, Kara Williams

P.S. If you have not invited Him into your heart and received the saving grace that I speak of, please message me. Don’t miss another day of the life-giving freedom He graciously gives us. It is a FREE gift He just asks you to accept.

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